Exclusive infield Barcelona PUA training to take your “game” to the next level!

The problem many Barcelona PUAs face today isn’t in finding the right woman; it’s in connecting with that woman on a certain level and establishing a relationship that is sure to last. More often than not, men miss out on the chance of getting to know even better the women they really like, but it’s not because they lack looks, wealth, and intelligence (which men mistakenly believe that women actually want). It’s because they aren’t confident enough to get their game on and actually pull it off.

The good news is that every human being has confidence which means you can be capable of actually walking up to any girl, striking up a conversation with her, and making her more interested in you. The challenge, however, is in developing that confidence to a level that will make all those things possible for you. You can learn to do it on your own but it could take you years to do so, and who knows just how many more opportunities you will miss out on during that time. The other option is right here, and it even promises instant positive results.


Matt Artisan, the renowned Barcelona dating coach who was voted World’s Best New Pickup Artist, will be bringing his Day Game Training Mastery Bootcamp to Barcelona. Artisan and his team of dating instructors will spend 3 days to teach you and other men the finer points of the art of picking up women and earning their interest, trust, and affection. Their forte is the “day game” which is essentially empowering you to walk up to any woman during daytime and in the least likely places like a public park or the mall.

Watch Matt Artisan Infield:

Here are just some of the many skills you can expect to learn from Artisan and his team:

  • Eliminate approach anxiety so you can walk up to any woman without fear of being rejected
  • Make yourself attractive to women without having to depend on your looks, your brains, or your money
  • Sweep any woman off her feet within just minutes of meeting her for the first time
  • Spark an instant connection and deep feelings of rapport and powerful attraction
  • Number close in less than 30 seconds
  • Stand out from every other average guys
  • Show high value and attractive qualities
  • Create sexual tension even in as little as 20 seconds
  • Escalate physically and get a kiss even in the daytime
  • Proper body language and voice tonality techniques to make her CHASE YOU
  • BONUS night game, phone and text game, instant-dates and first date strategies!


  • Classroom lecture to learn everything you need to know about approaching and attracting women during the day
  • Infield training and live filming of your approaches to perfect your new skill set
  • Instant real-time feedback on all your approaches and interactions!
  • Bonuses including The Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls, The Ultimate Guide to Handling Shit Tests, and Online Dating Secrets for Men
  • 1-on-1 instruction to bring out your unique attractive qualities
  • Your personal sticking points eliminated for good!

**Read the testimonies about men who had nothing of value but their confidence and yet are now enjoying the dating success that was once beyond their reach, thanks to Artisan and his experienced team

Click to See What Guys Like You Are Saying:

“I can get dates whenever I want.”
He used to look at women and not do anything. Then he approached more women than he ever did in his whole life.
“Women are ‘selling themselves’ to me now.”
“I beat my anxiety on the first night and now I talk to girls whenever I want”
From a shy guy who couldn’t hold conversations, to bringing home a beautiful woman in just 7 days.
He brought THREE girls home in 9 days of training.
“I threw my approach anxiety out the window.”
“I made her eyes light up”
He couldn’t talk to Asian women… now it’s a buffet!
Made out with a gorgeous Swedish woman.
Two different women, two different nights, both in his bed.
“I can date women easier than ever before.”
He couldn’t approach girls at all. Then he got an instant date with a drop-dead gorgeous woman.
He’s been approaching for 1 1/2 years and got his first instant date on this bootcamp
Not only can he meet gorgeous women now, but INTERESTING women as well.
Women CHASE him now.
He hadn’t kissed a girl in 14 years. After a few days with us, he ended his dry spell.
He’s a new man.
Now, he can turn women on with EASE.
UPDATE: He’s married.
His whole ENTIRE social life skyrocketed.
Women chase him after 2-3 texts.
No pickup lines. Just an easy-to-use system to meet great women that he can use IMMEDIATELY.
“I got physical with women in less than TWO days.”


Barcelona Spain

Date: TBA

ENTER YOUR INFO Below And We Will Notify You With The Exact Date And Other Boot Camp Details:


Other cities served in Spain:

Sevilla, Madrid, Valencia